Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The Beverton–Holt model with periodic and conditional harvesting 

      Al-Sharawi, Ziyad; Rhouma, Mohamed Ben Haj (Taylor & Francis Online, 2009)
      In this theoretical study, we investigate the effect of different harvesting strategies on the discrete Beverton–Holt model in a deterministic environment. In particular, we make a comparison between the constant, periodic ...
    • Folding and unfolding in periodic difference equations 

      Al-Sharawi, Ziyad; Cánovas, Jose; Linero, Antonio (Elseiver, 2014)
      Given a p-periodic difference equation xn+1 = fn mod p(xn), where each fj is a continuous interval map, j = 0, 1, . . . , p − 1, we discuss the notion of folding and unfolding related to this type of non-autonomous equations. ...
    • On the periodic logistic equation 

      Al-Sharawi, Ziyad; Angelos, James (Elsevier, 2006)
      We show that the 𝒑-periodic logistic equation 𝒳ₙ₊₁ = μₙ mod 𝒑𝒳ₙ(1 - 𝒳ₙ) has cycles (periodic solutions) of minimal periods 1; 𝒑; 2𝒑; 3𝒑; …. Then we extend Singer’s theorem to periodic difference equations, and use ...